
Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Everyone i know has seen the movie Wall-E by Disney.

For those who haven't, its about an old robot who is on earth. This new age robot comes along because its searching for life, and finds a plant. humans are in space because the earth has become unable to support life.  the plant is the proof that they humans can go back to earth and restart and whatever. While the humans are in space they become fat,lazy and dependent on the technology within the space ship. I won't ruin the ending for you but the technology that runs the space ship turn on the humans and it gets really dramatic. Great family film though, I recommend it.

ANYWAY....point is:
Humans become obese, lazy and dependent on technology for everything...sound familiar??

I think wall-e is a prediction. I think one day the whole world will be filled with people who are obese,lazy and dependent on technology to the point that they will become completely ignorant and unable to care for themselves.

Don't think so?

(I'm only going to go into the technology bit of it, we all see the obesity and laziness everyday.)

Think about this...when was the last time you looked at a clock? no not your phone or the computer but an actual clock, you know the one with numbers 1-12 on it? the one that has 2 different hands on it? when?

I cant remember, maybe in school, or in a game i played once.

When was the last time you counted out change? sounds like a dumb question but many people cant even count change! want an example? read this :Mcdonalds employee cant count change.

I wasn't surprised. where you?

Think about the last phone call you made. It was most likely from your cell phone. right?
anyone remember having to use the house phone?

 i remember when it was the only phone, and if mom was on the phone, good luck getting on it.

Keep thinking about that phone call. If the person you called, wasn't in your contacts would you still be able to dial their number? Anyone remember having to actually write down your number to give it to someone?

Instead its, "here put your number in my phone" or "oh ill just put your number in my phone". Oh no i remember losing the piece of paper that had my crush's number on it and not being able to call him.

How about the last time you had to do a research paper? or you didn't know the definition of a word?

Now all you have to do is use the internet, Google, Bing etc. Who remembers having to use books? or an actual dictionary?

I do.

Now I'll admit, I use technology on a regular basis, literally every day. But i can also count change without asking for help. I can read a clock without having to count in my head or ask anyone else what time it is. I don't need my phone to remember phone numbers.

Where will we be in the next 20 yrs? How dependent on technology will we be? will our kids be?

I hated when my mom would limit my use of the computer, or the phone. Telling me and my brother to go play outside, don't come back till the street lights come on. But now looking back, i have to thank her. I'm glad I'm not completely dependent on my phone, or the computer, or digital clocks.

Sadly not everyone has that luxury.

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