
Tuesday, February 26, 2013


I didnt watch the Oscars but as i scrolled through my newsfeed of only news channels and newspapers, I felt as if I had.

I found that the same events where on every news channel and every newspaper with different titles. Anyway after reading all the different titles and watching various news clips and video clips i felt as if I had watched them.

I know Ben Afflec was so proud of his Oscar. He got so emotional and sounded like a big panocha.
I know that some chick tripped on her way to receive her Oscar.

I know so much its crazy only the 2 above where my favs lol.

Then i read that the Oscars have higher ratings but with more negative feedback/reviews.

Maybe I'll watch the next Oscars..

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

10 Most Depressing States

Using data from federal health agencies has identified the 10 states with the highest rates of depression, psychological distress and other indicators of poor mental health.

Here they are, in alphabetical order:
Mississippi (poorest state,highest rate of depression in the nation)
Nevada (1 in 11 residents)
Oklahoma (bottom five)
West Virginia (next to last)

Monday, February 18, 2013

Is It Ok?

Death is a natural thing. It happens to the people we least expect. It happens to everyone, no matter your shape, size, ethnicity, religious views etc. But what happens to those who don't die? To the ones who were close to the ones who did die?

I lost someone very important to me almost 3 years ago.

It doesnt feel like 3 years.

I don't think about losing him, or that he died. When i do think about it it feels like it happened yesterday, not 3 years ago.

It hurts more than anything in the world. It hurts more than I could explain.

I think about so much, and with each passing thought the pain intensifies.

I think about how we didnt talk a lot once i started growing up. How we didnt hang out. We didnt write letters or call or text or email.

I think about how a few years before his passing we didnt even see each other. The family didnt even bring him up in front of me.

I think about all of the milestones in my life that he promised he would be there for, the life events I wanted him to be apart of....
High School Graduation
College Graduation
Kids Births
Kids Birthdays

He taught me so much growing up.
He taught me to stand up for myself and not let anyone push me around.
He taught me that i deserve the best and to never settle.

He told me so much about my dad when I was little and asked a million questions.
He told me to appreciate my little brother no matter how much he annoyed me.

He helped me knock a minute off of my mile run for school.
He helped me punt the ball for soccer.

He helped me in so many ways and taught me so many things.

When I found out what happened I lost every bit of strength I had. I lost every thought I had going through my mind.

The next week of my life was nothing but erratic thoughts and a lot of crying. I cried so much that by the time the holiday break was over and i went back to school, i didn't have any tears left. I tried so hard to stay strong while i was at school. I tried so hard to not cry, to hold it together.

 I broke down once, in the middle of class, I started to cry in class. As embarrassing as it was I didn't care. I needed to get out of the classroom, and lucky for me I was allowed to go to the bathroom, where i cried from the moment the classroom door closed behind me to the moment i stepped back into class.

Every day for over a month I tried to stay strong, I tried to hide it all from everyone around me how much pain I was in. They knew, my family knew how much pain I was in but they let me handle it in my own way. They knew if i needed or wanted to talk I'd go to them.

Now, today I'm hit with an overwhelming wave of emotion. I have a knot in my throat and want nothing more than to hide under my blankets and just cry. I want to cry until I can't cry anymore, cry till I pass out or fall asleep. I want to cry in the hopes that it will make the pain go away even just a little. I want to cry in the hopes that I will feel better..

But it won't. It wont make me feel better.

It wont make the pain go away.

It wont help me anymore than stabbing myself in the eye will help me.

And most importantly...
It wont bring him back.

But as I sit here alone in the dark, typing every little thought that pops in my head, every emotion that is reeking havoc inside of me, I can feel the tears streaming down my face, I can feel the same pain I felt when I first found out, I can feel the know in my throat forcing me to cry and let it all out. I can hear his voice telling me everything will be ok but i'm so unsure of that..

Saturday, February 16, 2013

What the Hell happened?

what the hell happened to women having some respect for themselves??

what happened to modesty? Self respect? leaving things to mystery?

Literally a girl,i cant say woman, makes a video of herself lifting her shirt to reveal her push up bra with her breasts(boobs tits w/e you want to call them) mashed up to make them look bigger.

I have to call her a girl, not a woman. No self respecting WOMAN, would do some ignorant crap like that and then post it on the internet.

What happened to sun dresses? No, not slut dresses that barely cover your ass and have barely enough fabric to keep your breasts in check. I mean sun dresses. Tea length, knee length, floor length even. Did they vanish out of thin air when every girl or wannabe woman decided that dressing like a complete slut or hooker was cute? or sexy?

Of course there will be those women/girls who will say that I'm hatin, or that I'm jealous because I dont have a body like theirs.

Well you know what? *steps on soap box*

I have a body, it may not be Victoria's Secret great(which lets be honest i like double bacon cheeseburgers way too much to be that thin), I may not have ridiculous almost fake looking curves, but i have a body, and i like it the way it is, and what i like most is that not every person on the internet can see it.

I bet no woman/girl that will post videos like that or pictures practically showing all the goods have never heard the phrase:
Why buy the cow, if you get the milk for free?
I am literally ashamed to be apart of this generation. Throughout history many many women have done so much to get equal rights, and the right to vote. Now its that we want to be treated equal. Why is anyone going to want to be an equal with you?

Women get mad at the guys who stare at their chest, their ass, their bodies in public. My question is:
Did you even look in the mirror before you left the house? Do you not see your breasts trying to escape? Your ass eating your shorts? Your skirt "magically" trying to reach for the sky? You're wannabe stripper or hooker heels?

Chris Rock said it best:
Ok Ok You're not a whore, but you are wearing a whores uniform
Grow up! Put some clothes on! No man in his right mind is going to be with a woman like that and take her serious. You wonder why so many guys are shallow or pigs. You give them every reason to be.

I'm waiting for the day that women now a days,in my generation and younger go out and get some standards, and some self respect.(I wont hold my breath)

If you can't respect yourself, why the hell is anyone else going to?

*steps off soapbox*

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentines Day

Well, today is Valentines Day.

To some it's Thursday.

To others its a day of love and showing appreciation to your significant other, girlfriend, wife, fiancee, etc.

I know there are many people who will say:
Well I think its stupid, if you really love someone you should show how much you love them and appreciate them every day of the year.

Yes, this is true. But, of the rest of the year, how often do you actually see people doing it? Many are in fact showing their person every day of the year. It;s not until Valentines Day that its made public. You see women wearing the jewelry their person got them, or you see them out to eat at her favorite restaurant, or you see couples acting more in love.

Its no that the appreciation or the love isn't there, its just been hiding. Valentines Day is the one accepted day where every couple is allowed to be a "Throw Up Couple" without people getting offended or upset.

The reference "Throw Up Couple" is one I have used since I started High School. I saw a couple at the grocery store buying hot cocoa. Now the conversation literally went like this:

Guy: Baby, go ahead and get the one with marshmallows I know you love marshmallows.
Girl: But Baby I know you don't like marshmallows, get the one without them.
Guy: But Baby you like the one with marshmallows
Girl: I know but you don't like the one with marshmallows

Now as you can imagine they were talking in there little kid voices(the voices you use to talk to kids under the age of 6). It continued on for another 20 minutes before they decided to get both. Just hearing them talk made me want to throw up, hence the term.

Now back to Valentines Day.

"I want to wish you a Happy Valentines Day
but unless this card is going to get you
naked I have to admit my hearts not really in it"
To those of you who are single on this Valentines Day, don't be so cynical. You turn into the Scrooge, Grinch etc of Valentines Day. There are plenty of other people who are single as well,who don't celebrate even though they are in a relationship, or just don't care. Take the opportunity to talk to people. Men, then there are plenty or women who are single today. Women, there are plenty of single men out there today.

Then there are the people who think Valentines Day is a guaranteed night of getting to do the horizontal tango. Come on man really? I say man because it's usually the men who can't find a dance partner, women don't have as much trouble.

Going out and finding some random woman or a random man to "dance" with is not smart. But it you want to go out and ruin a romance filled day with getting something you can't wash off, go ahead, but remember that it's your own fault!

Also be a grown up and let your next dance partner know! Don't give them something they can't wash off.

If for you today is just Thursday, then still be positive. Friday is tomorrow and you're one day closer to the weekend.

If you are celebrating today, then Happy Valentines Day to you and your person. I hope you both enjoy it, and that its memorable.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Too Early

well, today I woke up this morning, as Yayo was going to work, with the intention of cleaning the kitchen up before his mom decided to come over today. I got up, walked into the kitchen and realized...its too early.

I am now laying back in bed falling asleep.

If she comes over today it will literally be the one day this week that the kitchen has been any kind of mess.

Some of you are surprised and asking yourselves why cleaning my kitchen knowing his mom is coming over is such a big deal.

Its a big deal because if the house isn't clean it isn't anybodies fault but my own. It's a reflection of me. Not to mention the fact that Yayo comes from a traditional Mexican family. This in turn means that there is a Virgin Mary or Lady of Guadalupe in the house or a cross of some kind, and that as his girlfriend it's my job or its required of me to keep the house clean.

Anyway, its too early. I'll spam Facebook and maybe even write a Valentines Day blog later today. That is, AFTER I clean the damn kitchen.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Bill Cosby

 "I'm 83 and Tired"
I've worked hard since I was 17. Except for when I was doing my National Service, I put in 50-hour weeks, and didn't call in sick in nearly 40 years. I made a reasonable salary, but I didn't inherit my job or my income, and I worked to get where I am. Given the economy, it looks as though retirement was a bad idea, and I'm tired. Very tired.
I'm tired of being told that I have to "spread the wealth" to people who don't have my work ethic. I'm tired of being told the government will take the money I earned, by force if necessary, and give it to people too lazy to earn it.
I'm tired of being told that Islam is a "Religion of Peace," when every day I can read dozens of stories of Muslim men killing their sisters, wives and daughters for their family "honor"; of Muslims rioting over some slight offense; Muslims murdering Christian and Jews because they aren't "believers"; Muslims burning schools for girls; Muslims stoning teenage rape victims to death for "adultery"; Muslims mutilating the genitals of little girls; all in the name of Allah, because the Qur'an and Shari'a law tells them to.
I'm tired of being told that out of "tolerance for other cultures" we must let Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries use our oil money to fund mosques and Madrasa Islamic schools to preach hate in Australia , New Zealand , UK, America and Canada , while no one from these countries are allowed to fund a church, synagogue or religious school in Saudi Arabia or any other Arab country to teach love and tolerance..
I'm tired of being told I must lower my living standard to fight global warming, which no one is allowed to debate.
I'm tired of being told that drug addicts have a disease, and I must help support and treat them, and pay for the damage they do. Did a giant germ rush out of a dark alley, grab them, and stuff white powder up their noses or stick a needle in their arm while they tried to fight it off?
I'm tired of hearing wealthy athletes, entertainers and politicians of all parties talking about innocent mistakes, stupid mistakes or youthful mistakes, when we all know they think their only mistake was getting caught. I'm tired of people with a sense of entitlement, rich or poor.
I'm really tired of people who don't take responsibility for their lives and actions. I'm tired of hearing them blame the government, or discrimination or big-whatever for their problems.
I'm also tired and fed up with seeing young men and women in their teens and early 20's be-deck themselves in tattoos and face studs, thereby making themselves unemployable and claiming money from the Government.
Yes, I'm damn tired. But I'm also glad to be 83.. Because, mostly, I'm not going to have to see the world these people are making. I'm just sorry for my granddaughter and their children. Thank God I'm on the way out and not on the way in. There is no way this will be widely publicized, unless each of us sends it on! This is your chance to make a difference.
“I’m 83 and I'm tired. If you don't agree you are part of the problem!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Naming Your Child

In Iceland they have a Personal Names Register. Its a list of names approved by the government. When new parents go to name their child they have to choose a name off of this list. A list of  1,712 male names and 1,853 female names that fit Icelandic grammar and pronunciation rules and that officials maintain will protect children from embarrassment. If the don't choose one off of this list then they have to get approval. 

There is a girl who is fighting to use the name her mother game her. The government said no on the approval because it takes a masculine article.  Her mother didn't know it wasn't on the list until the priest who baptized her baby that he had mistakenly allowed it.

 I think its a great idea though. It has its cons but I am all for it. 

I sound outrageous right? WRONG! How many times have you asked someone about their baby "Oh they're so cute/adorable, whats his/her name?" And they tell you some ridiculous name that make you want to fall to the ground with laughter? Or you heard their name and you think to yourself "How the hell do you spell that?".

I have gone to school with some people whose names make me question how much their parents actually loved them.

 Naomi for example, we all know because of the movie Van Wilder is "I Moan" backwards. Now really, after hearing that, and knowing how many people have seen that movie, why would you name your child Naomi?

Think of all of the people who have named their kids after cars, cities, seasons,months or names that require extra thought because their parents cant spell? 

For Example:
Hilary (supposed to be Hillary)

Then think of the names that are easy to make fun of. Do you really want your kid teased their whole life? There was a girl i graduated with who couldn't have her whole name said at graduation because everyone(including me) made fun of it. I found out that their was actually a big upset with her parents complaining to the school about it when she started High School Because the teasing was so bad. SERIOUSLY?? Maybe you should have thought twice about what you named your kid! Or your child should have learned to stand up for herself!

Don't get your panties in a twist, I'm not bashing you for the name you chose for your child, or your parents for naming you what they did, I'm merely bringing up a subject no one talks about or brings up.  I Think the idea of having an approved list of names is a great idea. I think it would eliminate the amount of stupidity new parents show when they name their child a traditional name and have it spelled in a manner that not even their Foreign Language teacher let alone their English teachers can pronounce it. It prevents parents from naming their kids after things they don't have, or the place, month, or season they were conceived. It also prevents kids from being teased about their name. 

Im not saying it will stop bullying, because lets face it, even if your child has a "normal" name or even a biblical name, if the bully at school can bully your kid, then its gonna happen. But why give them anymore reason to?

(Btw the Icelandic girl did get to keep her name, and legally go by her name, rather than being called "Girl"..the story is here:Blaer From Iceland


Everyone i know has seen the movie Wall-E by Disney.

For those who haven't, its about an old robot who is on earth. This new age robot comes along because its searching for life, and finds a plant. humans are in space because the earth has become unable to support life.  the plant is the proof that they humans can go back to earth and restart and whatever. While the humans are in space they become fat,lazy and dependent on the technology within the space ship. I won't ruin the ending for you but the technology that runs the space ship turn on the humans and it gets really dramatic. Great family film though, I recommend it.

ANYWAY....point is:
Humans become obese, lazy and dependent on technology for everything...sound familiar??

I think wall-e is a prediction. I think one day the whole world will be filled with people who are obese,lazy and dependent on technology to the point that they will become completely ignorant and unable to care for themselves.

Don't think so?

(I'm only going to go into the technology bit of it, we all see the obesity and laziness everyday.)

Think about this...when was the last time you looked at a clock? no not your phone or the computer but an actual clock, you know the one with numbers 1-12 on it? the one that has 2 different hands on it? when?

I cant remember, maybe in school, or in a game i played once.

When was the last time you counted out change? sounds like a dumb question but many people cant even count change! want an example? read this :Mcdonalds employee cant count change.

I wasn't surprised. where you?

Think about the last phone call you made. It was most likely from your cell phone. right?
anyone remember having to use the house phone?

 i remember when it was the only phone, and if mom was on the phone, good luck getting on it.

Keep thinking about that phone call. If the person you called, wasn't in your contacts would you still be able to dial their number? Anyone remember having to actually write down your number to give it to someone?

Instead its, "here put your number in my phone" or "oh ill just put your number in my phone". Oh no i remember losing the piece of paper that had my crush's number on it and not being able to call him.

How about the last time you had to do a research paper? or you didn't know the definition of a word?

Now all you have to do is use the internet, Google, Bing etc. Who remembers having to use books? or an actual dictionary?

I do.

Now I'll admit, I use technology on a regular basis, literally every day. But i can also count change without asking for help. I can read a clock without having to count in my head or ask anyone else what time it is. I don't need my phone to remember phone numbers.

Where will we be in the next 20 yrs? How dependent on technology will we be? will our kids be?

I hated when my mom would limit my use of the computer, or the phone. Telling me and my brother to go play outside, don't come back till the street lights come on. But now looking back, i have to thank her. I'm glad I'm not completely dependent on my phone, or the computer, or digital clocks.

Sadly not everyone has that luxury.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Gun Control, Public Hearing

Everyone involved in the gun control debate, or who has an opinion, or even those who chose to stay out of the debates needs to watch this video.

Newtown Connecticut resident Bill Stevens testifies about his own priorities when it comes to the defense of his family. 

Half Time

Well, as everyone I'm sure is aware, the Super Bowl was yesterday.

 The Super Bowl and I have always had problems. When i was little it usually fell on my birthday, or the day or my party.

 Many people would tell my mom that they would not show up unless the game was on, and my cake and other kid stuff had to be done at half time. for a 5 yr old, or younger that is not really nice or appropriate for the adults to be saying.

Just my opinion, i could be wrong.

Now many watch for the commercials, or for the half time show. I have to say i was disappointed by the commercials. Not one stood out to me or made any difference to stand apart from every other commercial that's run every other say of the year.

The half time show was a joke. It was not Super Bowl worthy. Not the mention the fact that it was Beyonce. I have officially sworn off Beyonce forever.

I don't care how many awards she wins, how many fucked up names she gives her children, I just simply don't care.

She should be ASHAMED!!

The fact that she lip singed the National Anthem is enough for me to say fuck her.

What American in their right mind, lip sings the National Anthem????

What American would continue to support her? Or her "music"??

She is an artist not a musician, don't start with that crap. She doesn't do anything but sing and then audio adjust everything else to create hits, its not raw talent.

If you disagree...well...good for you.

Her performance at the Super Bowl was not up to Par. It didn't wow anyone but Beyonce fans.

I went to a family friends house to watch the game. There were at least 10 other people there and i can promise you no one was impressed. Some might have recapped on some of her old music, or hear a song she performed and forgotten that it was her song.

Other than that, 90% of the people there took that time to refill or top off their drinks, step outside to get a cigarette, or even both.

As soon as her performance was over, multiple people asked:
"I wonder if she lip singed that just like she lip singed the National Anthem?"

I hope everyone had a fun, safe Super Bowl. I know I did.

I do have to say, I do feel a little odd knowing i left early and didn't watch to see who actually won the game. :P

Friday, February 1, 2013

Combat Arms&Sticks&Stones(Explicit Language)

so i was becoming addicted to this game right..Combat Arms..FPS online game..

today i had the realization that all online games are the same. There is always those few people who are either under the age of 14 or over the age of 25 who take it so seriously and always have to talk shit.

 i don't mean the usual insults of how bad u suck at this game but insults about how you were raised and how u should go fuck your mom or my personal favorite, the racial stabs. i honestly don't care.

I'm white Indian and Mexican  Telling me to go back to were i came from makes me laugh. I was born in California! I'm an AMERICAN! lol If we are going to get all up the ass about race and where we came from then everyone needs to leave but the Native Americans  They were here first. we all just kinda came in and took over.

i know i suck at the game. I play for fun and to pass the time. I play cause i like to shoot stuff and Yayo likes that i play.

These immature children or adults, say things like, i should go fuck my mother(they think im a guy), or that they are gonna come murder me, or that they are going to go fuck my mother and kill my father.

ummm ok?

my dad is the last person you would want to try to kill. Ex military, and sometimes bordering the insanity line, and isn't afraid to cause harm or use weapons if necessary.

My mom, she is a respectful woman who is polite to everyone. But don't underestimate her. She can go from lady to ghetto bitch in 2.5 seconds. and she isn't afraid to stand up for herself.

As for me, throwing out the racial terms and about how i'm a cunt,bitch,dumb,beaner,illegal or stupid..doesn't do anything to me. I know i am intelligent and have an education. I know i suck at the game and i know that it takes a special kind of person to think that the insults make them cooler.

 The insults make me laugh. I think its sad that no one can come up with anything original. All of the insults used, i have heard since elementary school.

Once the stabs and name calling started i started trolling. "Well that lacked creativity, try again. I'll wait".

You also know you have won an argument when they start correcting your grammar or your spelling. XD

I mean how sad.

So anyway. I wrote this whole blog just to let the world know that i find insults hilarious. Nothing like shugging a shoulder and knowing that it doesn't matter.

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me unless i give the words power.