This past Thursday,January 10th, at Taft Union High School in California there was another shooting. A student entered the school with his brothers shotgun with ammo in his pockets. Its reported he targeted 2 students in particular. Do you want to guess why? Because they bullied him.
Staff on campus, a teacher and a staffer, were able to talk the student down, and he put the gun down and surrendered. 1 student is in critical condition and was airlifted, and 2 more were injured.
This is a direct quote from The Article About The Shooting:
President Obama has called for the creation of a task force, led by Vice President Joe Biden, to look at ways to prevent gun violence. The vice president is expected to present his findings by next Tuesday.Again the government is looking at this as gun violence. This isn't gun violence. This is an emotional high school student who was bullied to the point where he wanted to shoot the bullies, not gun violence.
Have you ever been bullied? Have you ever been bullied so much that you actually thought about shooting the bully? Plenty of us have. In high school everybody made somebodies life a living hell. I know for a fact there are a few people when i was in high school who wanted to shoot me, one to this day still wants to.
I would almost like to bet money that this shot gun having student is going to have some sort of mental illness or was off his meds. That's how things have been going with this tirade of gun violence events occurring everywhere.
Some unstable person off of their meds gets a gun and goes shooting up schools, then Obama steps in and says its gun violence.
Obama pull your head out of your ass, its not gun violence.
Does anyone actually know how long or how hard the process is in California to get a shot gun legally?
I know someone, in California, with an illegal shot gun.
It doesn't matter how hard the legal process it, or how long it takes. It doesn't matter how many laws you pass or how many obstacles you throw in front of people who are wanting a firearm, there will always be people with illegal firearms.
By making these laws, and difficult processes you are doing nothing but making it easier for the innocent law abiding citizens to get hurt or killed.
How long has Meth or Heroin been illegal?
Yet everyday there are millions of people dying from using. They are checking into rehabs or relapsing.
How about Marijuana?
Been illegal for a long time. Yet how many people are in jail for possession of marijuana?
Has our government just decided to walk around with its eyes closed? what puppet master is controlling this idiotic president we have?
Making something illegal or nearly impossible to get doesn't make it go away, or make the problems they cause go away. It makes them worse. It makes people more secretive to get it.
It didn't work with drugs, what makes anyone think that it will work with guns?
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