
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Twitter for Dummies

Many people out there either have a Twitter and are on it like white on rice, others may have one but never get on it(usually they just link their Facebook with it).

For those that don't have Twitter, or have it and don't use it. Twitter is just a faster version on Facebook.
 Instead of "Likes" its "Favorites" and instead of "Sharing" its "Retweet".

On Facebook we "Tag" People in our posts, and pictures, well on Twitter you just put "@" in front of their username and it pretty much "tags" them in your tweet or "post".

On Facebook we "add" people to our friends list, which means they will show up in our "news feed" and we can see their profile etc etc. On Twitter its called "following". you can follow your friends, your favorite news channel, or your favorite musician(which if they started making music after the 90's they are not really musicians they are mostly artist or people who have more money than talent). Once you start following them they show up on your home page feed.

On twitter you can also create a "List" which is where you can pick certain people, or news channels and separate them from your regular feed. Its very helpful considering in a ten minute time period there could be 30 new tweets and you end up having to scroll forever to find who you were looking for.

Then of course there are the "Hash Tags" which to anyone who isn't brain dead its a damn number sign. For Twitter purposes it is just a way to categorize your tweet. you can search different hash tags to see what people are saying about that particular thing or subject. I'm writing this on a Wednesday so a "trending" hash tag is "#HappyHumpDay". All trending means is that its popular and that there are a lot of people talking about it.

AS for pictures on Twitter, you don't get to upload a million and two pictures to an album on your profile.. You get your profile picture. If you do upload a picture within your tweet it shows up as a twitter link and is then shown somewhere within your profile.

I hope this helps someone out there. I know plenty of people already know about twitter but i have been asked about some of the things above. Hope it was helpful :)

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