Abortion seems to be a subject of conversation lately, and honestly if people where more responsible then it wouldn't be an issue. However it's obvious that people are not responsible enough to use a condom or birth control.
In any case, I agree with the whole "it's her body, her choice". So i guess that means I'm pro-choice.
I think abortion is necessary. I think it gives us all something to argue about, something to help us decide on who to elect, on who we agree with or disagree with. I think the people who are so pro-life need to go the inner city, and highly populated cities and visit foster homes and group homes. Go look at all of the children there. Why not do something to help them?
So many children who live majority of their lives in the system will develop verbal,mental and social problems. Many will be physically and verbally abused, and neglected, but I don't see people with their signs demanding things for them! I don't see people throwing their bibles at the system or the abusive foster homes!
I know it's a touchy subject, because everyone and their mother knows someone who has had an abortion or who decided against having one or whatever. I get it, everyone knows someone who has dealt closely with abortion.
I don't care who this offends, or who decides to glow a gasket because of what I'm about to write.
I think we need to stop focusing so much attention on abortion and whether its right or wrong. Whether is ethically, religiously or morally wrong. We need to focus more on Sex Education.
Kids now a days are getting sex ed in elementary school. Think about that, elementary school. in elementary school my main focus was on beating Lauren and Taylor at Tetherball, doing a certain amount of flips on the monkey bars, passing my multiplication test so i could get a cherry on my ice cream sunday at the ice cream party(each number time table u passed on a timed test you got a piece of the ice cream sunday on the wall, at the end of a certain time period whatever was on your sunday was what u got at the ice cream party), not on sex. I thought boys were gross and mean. They were just kids i wanted to beat at football, and other sports. I used to kick them and beat them up for being so mean to girls. I had a crush once in elementary school, and to me a crush was just thinking he was nice and that i wanted him to be my friend and sit with me at lunch, be my partner on partner projects in class, play basketball with me, not to have sex with him or make babies.
Sex education should be more about the negative affects of sex than "its how babies are made" and the whole "if you have sex your going to hell". Show them pictures of different STD's. Show them the oozing graphic pictures of what their "junk" will look like. Tell them how painful some of the diseases can be. Emphasize that some of the things you get from having sex, you cant just wash off. Penicillin shots are painful(I got one when i was sick with an sinus infection and a virus and the other antibiotics i took for a week didn't make me better). Show them, hell scare them if that's what it takes. I know when i have kids I'm going to scare the crap out of them. I won't lie to them but i will scare them. "If you have sex you can get this STD and this STD and your junk will turn colors and hurt and look nasty".
We need to focus on making birth control more available to girls. Obviously condoms aren't working. making them more available, i believe, wont do anything. condoms have been available in bathrooms, doctors offices and free clinics for so many years now and yet we are still having this problem. Sell birth control over the counter but require them to talk to the pharmacist so they know how to use it properly. Inform them that if they are taking it, and start taking antibiotics that they can get pregnant(oh don't believe that? well my mom took birth control and antibiotics...and now I'm here writing this, so its true).
There also needs to be some blame on the parents. It's shouldn't be the schools responsibility to teach every child about sex, and what sex is, that's the parents job. School is a place for education, not sex ed. they are teachers not doctors. Kids are supposed to learn about their bodies and ask their parents questions, or their doctors, not their teachers. Most teachers when i was growing up, if they were asked a question like that they were told kindly that they should ask their parents. If they couldn't ask their parents they asked the school nurse or the health teacher. My health teacher in High School(required semester of health class) had a question box. it was passed around at the beginning of class and during class or at the end she would answer question, all asked anonymously. Some questions were about family problems, some asked for advice and a lot were sex questions or body questions. I still,to this day,feel its the parents responsibility to answer these questions for their kids. Come on parents take a little responsibility(like you always tell us kids) and be the adult, talk to your kids!!
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