
Monday, December 31, 2012

Kim Kardashi-Hoe (Explicit)

Ok so i know many people watch 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians'. I am guilty, i admit i have watched the show myself for a couple month period. I am not proud of that but I'm here to piss some people off with my mind rambles.

Lets all think for a moment, don't hurt yourselves i just said a moment.

Why is Kim famous? Why is she all over the news?
1. Her dad was OJ's lawyer
2. She banged Ray J (Brandy's little brother) and the tape was "leaked"
3.Her obnoxiously large ass
4. She was in Playboy

Hmmmmm....Not good enough in my eyes. She might as well be a Porn star.  Everyone take note, SHE didn't do anything but bang a famous girls little brother, and take off her clothes for pictures!!

Yes dish the arguments that she is a designer, and has clothing stores etc etc blah blah Bullshit. Save it. Plenty of people can open clothing stores, and design clothes. She had the money but without the publicity from her "sexcapades" or her Dad she wouldn't be shit. she would just be another big assed girl who lived in Cali.(Trust me her ass isn't as unique as everyone thinks it is). Plus who Gives a shit if her ass is real or not? Who cares?!? Its like asking about fake/enhanced breasts. No one cares!

She is all over the news for being with Kanye and being pregnant with his baby.(I aint sayin she a gold But does anyone remember the athletic careers she has ruined?? She was with Reggie Bush and what happened? He played like shit. Miles Austin. Played like shit. Then She was messing around with Halle Berry's ex Gabriel Aubry. (Apparently he took a couple steps backwards). Last but not least we all remember the wedding. It was plastered all over the news, ever commercial, on Twitter and on Facebook. She married Kris Humphries. Then 3 months later, they decide to go their separate ways and put an end to it.


Publicity publicity publicity. That's it. She didn't do anything note worthy. She didn't find a cure for anything. She didn't write a book(I'd be surprised if she could even read a book that didn't have pictures). She didn't save lives. She didn't Defend OJ. She didn't do Shit! She probably never will.

"Why is the title Kardashi-Hoe? She isn't a Hoe!"

If you know the reference you will understand:
A:"I am not a whore"
B:"Ok Ok you're not a whore, but you are wearing a whores uniform."

If she acts like a hoe, talks like a hoe, she is probably a hoe!!! If you don't believe me Snoop Dogg agrees:

100 yr Old Couple

In China on December 28th of 2012 Shi Sifan and his wife Liu Yaogu celebrated their 100th birthdays. They have been together for 78 years and were born on the same day. 

Of course in China there are many people who are close to or are 100 yrs old. China even passed a law saying that people are to visit and care for their older family members. Shi Sifan and Liu Yaogu live with their family, right down to the great great grandchildren.

There's no doubt that i will be visiting and caring for my parents when they are old and cant do it themselves and they will see their grandchildren on a regular basis.

I don't think there could ever be a law in the US that stated we had to go visit and care for our elders. It just wouldn't happen. It would be another law broken by many that would just crown the prison system.

I can see it now:
"And why, Mr.Smith have you not visited your parents? Why haven't you been taking care of them?"

Then there's the fact that they have been together for 78 years. 78 YEARS!! How many couples now a days can say they were together 78 years? Look around! all of the couples you see now, do you honestly think they will be together 78 years from now? Also how many people around you will live to be 100? Not many. 

I honestly believe that every couple i see when i look around, or look on Facebook, or anywhere else for that matter, will not be together in 78 years. I'm in a relationship and i can't say that we will be together in 78 years.(I sure as hell hope we are though)

I like seeing older couples who have been together for 30+ years. My generation thinks that being with someone for a few years is a huge accomplishment. I know baby mama's who have stayed with their man for more than a few years. It doesn't mean anything. 

You want to see an actual relationship? See what actual love looks like?

Look at this couple, look at the couples who have been together for 30, 40+ years and are still happy. You can see it by the way they look at each other. It's the look  as if they haven't aged one bit. They look at each other in amazement as if they were still young kids who just started dating.

I applaud this couple and their achievement. I also want to wish them both a Happy 100th Birthday. I hope they spend many more years together. :) 

Happy New Year

Well, its been a another year. 2012 is almost gone but the memories will last a lifetime.
The memories we created this past year, whether good or bad are what we should use for this next year. Utilize the good memories to create better ones,and  the bad memories to avoid creating more like them. Some memories, and events that took place are unpreventable and will happen whether ot not you want them to.

If you lost a loved one in 2012, do not dwell on the hurt, the pain or the sadness. Rejoice. Your loved one is free. Free of pain and suffering. They ARE in a better place now. It's difficult to understand let alone accept, but we have to see the bigger picture. They are needed elsewhere. Don't think of their passing as a punishment from God. I see losing a loved one as a test from God. He tests us all in mysterious ways, whether it's your strength, or your ability to comfort those who need it most. Do not dwell, rejoice. Your loved one wouldn't want to see you hurting inside.

If you brought a new life into the world in 2012, this is just the beginning. There are many things coming your way in 2013. The many milestones to look forward to. Remember to kiss and love on your bundle of joy every chance that you get. Even if they don't understand, talk to them, tell them how much they mean to you, how they are a blessing to you, and how much you love them.

If you ended a relationship in 2012 (i mean long term not "oh well we dated for a week"), don't let that get you down. There are many many more people out there. I'm not going with the "there's more fish in the sea blah blah". It's BS!The way i see it you are in control of your standards, you cant chose to say "no, he/she isn't good enough" or "I deserve better". Take a stand, hold your ground. I remember what my Uncle Raymond (God rest his soul) and my Uncle JR told me and i'm passing the same advice onto you "Don't ever settle for less than what you feel you deserve".

If you changed your relationship status to "In a Relationship" (Again, talking long term), good for you. Enjoy that person, enjoy the little things, Whether that means an inside joke, a silly face, or even a manor-ism or a certain word they say. Don't rush into the I Love You's. Just take each day as it comes and remember there is a reason you are with this person. "If you press me to say why I love him, I can say no more than Because he was he, and I was I"

If you were alone in 2012 and will be alone in 2013, good for you. Its nothing to be ashamed of, or to feel down about. You are content with yourself and see you don't need anyone to complete you or anyone to take care of you but you. It shows your independence and you ability to be happy by yourself. If you are unhappy alone then be social. It doesn't mean you have to go out and find someone to be with, it just means you might need to get together with friends more often, or go out to social places to meet new people. Maybe you could travel around. Travel your state, your country or other countries, but don't ever feel ashamed or down about being by yourself.

2012 was just another year of ups and downs. Friendships made and friendships lost. To put it in words i'm going to borrow from my god sister Jaime. She Posted:

New years eve, a day to stop and reflect on the year that has gone by. A day to remember the good times and the bad, to remember the people who never left your side when things got rough. To remember are promises made and broken. To forgive and forget the people that hurt you. To be thankful that you made it another year. But most importantly to be excited that your getting a fresh start, another chance to get things right. Cause that's what new years is all about getting another chance to do more, to be more, and to love more. 
It's nothing short of the truth. Keep your head up and prepare for the New Year. Don't hold onto past grudges, don't hold onto hatred. Let it all go. In 2013 you will face many more challenges and surprises in your life that holding onto the past will just weigh you down.

I hope everyone, no matter where you are , has an amazing New Years Eve, and an even better New Year. :D

Oh, and on another note, everyone who will be drinking on New Years Eve, Please DON'T DRINK & DRIVE!!   ------ >>>

Friday, December 28, 2012

Movies Censored?

I'm a little confused. For the people who know me, this is not a rare occurrence i know, but still bare with me. I was looking for a movie to watch(as many know I'm a movie whore). As I look through the many options I realize that people are so hypocritical.

Scary Movies have a range. There are the ones that you sit there 2 hrs and wonder "This is supposed to be scary? My in-laws are scarier ", and then there are movies that after you watch them, you sleep with the lights on for a week gripping a teddy bear with the door open and a baseball bat within reach.

But let me ask this, how is it, we as people can watch movies like Saw, or The Human Centipede and be just fine. Then when we see a story on the news about some guy who is killing people and then eating their body parts we all gasp in shock and get so worked up. Why is that? "Well in the movie it isn't real", or "It's only make believe".

We tell ourselves those things to deny the inevitable. The truth is, those things we see in those movies are real, they are not only make believe. How do you think they get it to look so realistic? How do you think they come up with all the psychotic ideas and story plots? They are all real!

They are real. We don't hear all of the horrible things being done to others around the world. We don't hear about every murder, or slaughter that happens. Every one of us is censored, yeah i said it! Censored! The news doesn't disclose every bit of information, because they don't have all of the information. Half of the time the news doesn't even know what they are reporting, they are just "doing their job".

It gets on my nerves to see "Based on a True Story" before any movie i watch. That so called fact about the movie just lets me know every single one of my friends, family members etc are all going to watch it. Even if the movie sucks they will make a comment on how its a true story, about how they were actual people. NEWS FLASH: The people that made the movie cant display everything that happened. They can't show every detail of what happened!!

This irritates me so much. We as a population are censored to a degree no matter how much we deny it.

Tattooed Child

Well, on Nancy Grace, an 11 yr old was given a home tattoo by her mother. The mother is facing 60 days in jail and a $1000 fine. The mothers defense? That her daughter said she wanted one and asked for it.

Its not a surprise to me that this is all over the news.
1. The mother is covered in tattoos
2. Everything is happening to people younger and younger (pregnancy,death, incarceration etc)
3. Everyone and their grandma has tattoos now.

She is 11 so what?! How many kids get gang tattoos at 10, 11 yrs old? How many kids are getting pregnant? Selling drugs? Selling their bodies at that age? A lot more than anyone will admit. 

This world is not how it was for the parents of my generation. There is no such thing as dating, having standards, birth control, self control or common sense anymore. 

Now parents focus for a minute. If your child wanted a tattoo, would you rather they go get it from some sleeze ball crack head down the street or in a nearby neighborhood, without the numbing and without knowing if their needle is clean? or (if you were capable) Give it to them yourself knowing the needle would be clean and that you could control how big or small the tattoo was? 

Im not sorry for feeling that way. I'd rather have my hypothetical child come to me that to anyone else. I'd rather smoke a joint with them than have them go to their friends or some other jerk-off who could lace the joint without their knowledge. 

The fact that the child in this story even went to her mother for a tattoo shows she trusts her. How many 11 yr olds have that much trust in their parents now a days? How many parents can honestly say their kids trust them that much?

I honestly could care less about how freaked out everyone is about this. An 11 yr old asked her mother for a tattoo. Her mother used the numbing crap(the pussy way out for any adult who gets one) and gave her daughter a small heart shaped tattoo. SO WHAT?!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Unconstitutional? I don't think so!

Sheriff Arpaio 'America's Toughest Sheriff' is a role model for anyone running a prison.

 Arpaio served in the Army from 1950 to 1954 in the Medical Detachment Division and was stationed in France for part of the time. In 1992, Arpaio successfully campaigned for the office of Maricopa County Sheriff. The voters of Maricopa County re-elected him in 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008 and 2012.

 In his prison he serves inmates surplus food, and limits meals to twice a day. He banned "Sexually Explicit Material" such as Playboys after the inmates began "self pleasuring" when they saw female correctional officers and verbally harassed the officers. The ban at some point was challenged on First Amendment Grounds. He instituted an in-house radio station that broadcasts classical music, opera, patriotic music and educational programming. 

Arpaio also set up a "tent city". An extension of the prison where inmates stay outside. The "city" is in the yard next to a permanent structure containing bathrooms,showers and an area for meals. During the summer of 2003 the temperatures outside exceeded 110 degrees, and when the inmates began to complain he told them: 
 "It's 120 degrees in Iraq and the soldiers are living in tents, have to wear full body armor, and they didn't commit any crimes, so shut your mouths."
Many complain about these tents saying they are not adequate or humane and that there are violations of human and constitutional rights. Those that are critical of Arpaio also point out that the majority of inmates in "tent city" have not been convicted but awaiting trail.

 Arpaio re-instituted Chain Gangs in '95(All chain gangs are voluntary). A year later he expanded and instituted a female chain gang, the female inmates work 7 hrs a day (7 am-2 pm) six days a week. He instituted the worlds first juvenile chain gang:volunteers earn school credit toward a diploma.

 One of his most public-relations actions was the introduction of pink underwear. Due to the success with the underwear he extended the color to handcuffs, shirts, socks etc. He said "I can get elected on pink underwear..I've done it 5 times"

In '01 he was the first to require all inmates 18 and over to register for the Selective Service System( the means by which the US government maintains information on those potentially subject to military conscription). He also started the "have a Heart" program, where inmates may volunteer to be organ donors.

Many feel this mans methods are unconstitutional, inhumane etc etc. I want to tell those people to go F*&$ themselves.  Prison is not supposed to be a cake walk. It is not a vacation from the real world, it is a punishment!

 I applaud Arpaio for his tactics and methods. When someone goes to prison they shouldn't be comfortable. Do you realize that prisoners in jails and prisons across america receive health care? dental care? There are cases all over of people who commit crimes knowing when they get to prison they will get more medical attention than they did when they were free. Inmates gets dental care whereas out veterans only receive dental care if its life threatening or they meet a criteria that apply's to less that 50% of out veterans.

Screw them, they committed crimes, they don't have rights. I think prison should be absolutely miserable, that way when and if they get out, they wont want to come back. Sleeping in tents,wearing pink, 2 meals a day (not necessarily hot meals), 110 degree weather, limited TV and Radio, they should all be that subtle reminder not to go back to prison.

He's obviously doing something right, he has been re-elected 5 times.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Santa Arrested in Austin

4 Days ago a man dressed as Santa Clause was arrested for writing the word "love" in chalk on the grounds of the state capitol building in Austin, Texas.

Many people who witnessed him being arrested were not hesitant in making their comments, and asking the officers to tell the man why he was being arrested.The witnesses also stated that they have video of others writing with chalk as well. They asked repeatedly "Your'e arresting Santa?".

One woman repeatedly asked the officers to tell the man why he was being arrested. The man,visibly upset, began asking the officers why he was being arrested. This guy encouraged the kids nearby to write for wishes, they wrote words like "Peace" ,"Friendship" and "Community". they wished for world peace and other such things.

I dont actually know if its illegal or not to write on the grounds but really? Your gonna arrest Santa for writing "love"? Then while he is handcuffs and asking, begging and pleading to know why he was arrested you dont tell him? WTH!!

   Here is the video:

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Veterans Smiles

Veterans, the men and women who have served for our country. They have put their lives on the line against foreign and domestic threats to our nation. They spent months and months away from their friends and family. They sacrificed day in and day out for our rights and freedoms.

When the soldiers of our military come home for good whether it they are medically retired or they just served their X amount of years and decide not to go back, they get complete medical coverage compliments of our government. Good Job USA. You got something right. The US government offers many benefits for our soldiers and their families.

Unfortunately they do not give our veterans dental care. Its an amazing sight seeing our veterans smile. Whether its when they are reminiscing on fond memories of the time they served, receiving thanks for their sacrifices, getting a card or letter from kids around the country wishing them a happy holiday or a speedy recovery. Many veterans do not smile because they need dental work and are embarrassed.

Many will doubt what i have written. "There's no way, they have to have dental". Im here to tell you that no they don't. I know for a fact that they don't. My dad is a veteran of US Army, and i can't tell you how many times we have talked about it, how many times it has come up in conversations when we go to the VA hospital or his doctors appointments.

I think its outrageous that they don't have dental. If we can give them full medical i think we can give them dental. Medically they pay for MRI's, CT scans, lab work, prescriptions, Doctors visits, Surgeries etc. Why cant they cover the annual teeth cleaning, fillings, sealants, extraction etc??

Veterans can only receive dental care if they are eligible for a certain level of care.The guidelines according to the Veteran Affairs Health Care Website are as follows:

  1. Have a service-connected compensable dental disability or condition.
  2. Are a former prisoner of war
  3. Have service-connected disabilities rated 100% disabling or are unemployable and paid at the 100% rate due to service connected conditions
  4. Apply for dental care within 180 days of discharge or release(under conditions other than dishonorable) from a period of active duty of 90 days or more during the Persian Gulf War era.
  5. Have a Service-connected noncompensable dental condition or disability resulting from combat wounds or service trauma.
  6. have a dental condition clinically determined by VA to be associated with and aggravating a service-connected medical condition
  7. Are actively engaged in a 38 USC Chapter 31 vocational rehabilitation program.
  8. Are receiving VA care or scheduled for inpatient care and require dental care for a condition complicating a medical condition currently under treatment.
  9. Are an enrolled Veteran who may be homeless and receiving care under VHA Directive 2007-039.
Does that even make sense?!?! NO! To me is doesn't. In my mind, if anyone in this country was to be treated like a celebrity and idolized by our friends,family, and children it should be the Soldiers that put their lives on the line everyday so that we can continue to live the way we do. We can own guns, have as many kids as we want, talk to who we want, marry who we want. We can vote, we can go to court, we can wear what we want, and believe what we want. The next time you see a veteran, or a soldier, young or old, disabled or healthy, do you know what you need to do?


If you would like to help put a smile on a soldiers face then check out: or

End of The World

Well so much for the end of the world. 12/21/12 consisted of nothing but posts about how the world would end, and what everyone wants to do or would do blah blah blah.

 yesterday i saw nothing and heard nothing but a continuous countdown to the time when it was predicted to end. Once that time passed I saw a whole lot of "It didn't end!" "when will it end again?". I think we all just cling onto the idea that the world will end one day because of how fucked up our world is.

Today I'm seeing the same  crap as yesterday, why didn't it end, i do you so's, I cant wait till the next one, I don't think it will actually end anytime soon.

If it does end it will be after we are all dead and gone. Maybe it will be our kids, or grand kids, possibly our great grand children. Either way, however long it takes I don't want to be here for it. I don't know if it will be painful or just quick and painless.

This world is messed up in every possible way, and will never actually be at peace. We are always going to be at war with someone, or trying to "help" these countries that didn't ask for our help in the first place causing riots, and violence towards their government. we will always have over flowing prisons, corrupt politicians(there is no such thing as an honest politician), gang and racial violence, horrible economy, a systematic government that cant function or fix the problems they created,people caring more about money and social standings than about people,no dental care for veterans(another topic ill write about today), high unemployment rate,child obesity,murderers, serial killers, Rape and Pillage, etc etc.

The world we live in is not as great as we think it is. We are better than most countries but we are not what we used to be. people are so obsessed with power and their material possessions that they lose sight of whats really important in life. If a poor man has love, is he really poor at all? If the world ends one day it would mark the new beginning of our world, but i fear we will all end up the same as we are now.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Kids and Technology

Has anyone else felt like kids are becoming way too attached to electronics? Demanding new electronics? That they are driven by them, to get the "nect best thing"?

There are 7 yr old's with Ipods,Ipads, Iphones/Cell Phones, Laptops, Desktops, Digital cameras, etc etc.

Why the hell are we giving our kids so much access to these electronics and technology? Do they really need it?
I don't think so.

I have heard numerous reasons as to why parents let their kids use them, why they buy them for their 5,6,7 or 8 yr old.
 "it will help them advance faster in this world" or "it will make them smarter" or "they enjoy it"
"I want my child to have experience with technology" or "it will better their future" or "they have fun"

NO! Open your eyes, use your brain! Did you have that much access to electronics? Did your parents?

I didn't get a cell phone till i was almost 17. I never used computers until I was in school, and even then the computers we had where only there to tell us where to find books in the library. Our library was more books than anything.

We all see it, hear about it, and some of us bitch and whine, others see no problem with it. I feel bad for all of the generations below me. They will never learn the way we did. they will have a consistent need for electronics and the latest technology.

There are few cases where technology and electronics are acceptable for a small child. There are children with speech disabilities, or learning disabilities such as Dysgraphia, Autism, Dysarthia, or Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders. All affect a child, or adults, ability to communicate.

We have spoiled our children to a point of no return. They will one day be so dependent and driven on technology and electronics they wont be able to sign their own name. Is that really what we want for our children? Our grandchildren?

Our children do not need technology or electronics to be happy, or to have fun. Im 100% sure we survived, out parents survived. Send their little butts outside!! You remember that place right? OUTSIDE!! ts where kids learn social skills that include/require verbal skills and people skills, not typing on a keyboard, or use of an electronic.

They will develop people skills, verbal skills, and learn how to act in a social setting. It gives them a sense of independence because they can make their own friends and have face to face relationships. Not an Internet relationship, or technological skills


The worlds supposed to end! But i don't think so. I think everything will stay the same and nothing will change.

Does anyone know how many time the world has supposed to ended?
how many times its been predicted to end?
Hundreds!! Hundreds of times the world has supposed to ended, at least twice a year since we used B.C and A.D after the year.

Don't believe me? Google it! Look it up! Go to a library if you have to. (Libraries are those big buildings that are filled with books, magazines and newspapers in case you didn't know, but that's a topic for another day)

December 21st is just a day. Its going to be a regular Friday. People are still going to cut you off on the freeway. They are still going to go grocery shopping, go out to the clubs, go buy cigarettes and munchies.

The only things I think they will do different, at least here in Texas where i swear their idea of fun is drinking and watching their friends drink. Half of the people here will stock up on beer and liquor and prepare for the "End of the world". The other half will take their bibles with them everywhere they go and pray every hour or so and thank god for everything and anymore more than usual.

               There will still be:

  • murders
  • robberies
  • pushy religious people
  • governmental arguments and disagreements
  • abusive parents
  • starving and abandoned children here in the US not just in Africa and other countries
  • problems in the Middle East
  • Mentally ill persons in possession of guns and weapons
  • Alcoholics and Drug addicts
  • bad parenting and bad little children
  • 5-10 yr olds with phones, i pods and way too much technology

Everyone just needs to calm down and stop worrying about how whether or not it will end. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Guns & Stuff

Here we are, after a mentally ill, unstable man looses his mind and decides to kill 20 children and 6 adults the discussion of guns and the 2nd amendment are coming up left and right. Among teachers, students, adults teenagers, and grandparents, pretty much everyone and anyone who uses firearms or likes firearms. 

My Warning, if i refer to something wrong PLEASE let me know!

Im not from a state where guns are easy to get. Im from California so I had to go a little deeper to find out the whole process.

In Califonia There are typically three phases involved in the application process for obtaining a California permit to carry a concealed weapon.

-The first phase involves the paper application. All issuing agencies require that you submit a uniform application to carry a concealed weapon in California.
-The second phase involves the interview process. This is when the issuing agency will discuss your need for the license, your criminal history, and the consequences of choosing to carry a concealed weapon. It is also when they will take your fingerprints. Some agencies may require a second interview.
-The third phase does not apply to all counties / cities. This is the psychological evaluation. If conducted in your area, you will be required to undergo psychological testing. 
There are several fees involved. They will vary from agency to agency, but as a guideline:
$70 - $125 - Department of Justice (fingerprints & background check)
$100 – Local processing fee
Training – varies, typically no more than $250, at most.
In Texas The Concealed Handgun Law sets out the eligibility criteria that must be met. Applicants must be at least 21 years of age (unless active duty military) and must meet Federal qualifications to purchase a handgun.  A number of factors may make you ineligible to obtain a license, such as: felony convictions and some misdemeanor convictions, including charges that resulted in probation or deferred adjudication; pending criminal charges; chemical or alcohol dependency; certain types of psychological diagnoses protective or restraining orders, and defaults on state or city taxes, governmental fees, or child supportapplicants must complete a minimum 10 hour class, taught by a DPS certified CHL instructor.
 I was skeptical on how reliable the info was so I asked my friend Skylar about it and he said:
 "Each teacher vary in there prices, but the prices that I've seen on average are between  
150-170 dollars. It's a 10 hour class."

Now that's a lot of information to take in and that's all just for a hand gun, can u imagine for a rifle? or "assault weapons" but After looking at all of that,  I am with the many Americans who are Pro 2nd Amendment. I think we should be allowed to purchase "assault weapons".

 In the state of Texas if you feel threatened or that your life is in danger (at least thats how it was explained to me) because of someone who is one your property, yeah thats right PROPERTY, you can shoot them. In 

California you have to wait until they are in your house before you can shoot them otherwise they can press charges on you!!  How crazy is that? Someone is coming to kill you or do bodily harm to you and your family you can't shoot them dead until they are inside your home. How ridiculous does that sound? Someone threatening your well being, your families well being and if you shoot them them too soon you could be arrested for (depending on your shot) murder!

Do we make Gun Laws stricter?

What good would that do? There are ao many guns out on the street as it is. If someone really wanted a gun, they wouldn't go take a class or get a permit. They call a friend of a friend and within a small time window they have a gun. If they are mentally unstable then we have school shootings, triple homicides  murders, suicides etc.

Today on Facebook Skylars status caught my attention, it said :
You know this gun control is a bunch of BS! Trying to ban "assault weapons" come on really? you can turn anything into a assault weapon! The first murder on this earth was by a rock! Why don't you try banning rocks! Or how about 9-11 the men hijacked airplanes using box cutters try banning them! Of course you won't...but don't want to accept that some people are just completely insane! That incident could of happened anywhere! It's a very tragic thing that happened, but why take it out on law abiding citizens. Guns are not just simply life takers. They're recreational as well and some people's way of life, and means of survival! You try taking them there WILL be ALOT of citizens pissed off! Then what are going to do? I am a very strong supporter of the 2nd amendment, and if you are too I think you may possibly feel the same way
 He is right. We can't ban all the things that have been used to kill people. I'm pretty sure you can kill someone with a fork, spoon, Pencil etc. When people have their weapons, guns "assault weapons" whatever you want to call them, there is less crime. Think about it. What person in their right mind is going to rob you, or try to assault you, or threaten you with a weapon if you have one as well? 

Since this school shooting, death of 20 kids and 6 adults is what sparked this whole discussion, lets look back. If one of the 6 adults killed had a weapon on them, do u think they would have been killed? The shooter (Lanza) wouldnt have been able to rack up a total of 26 killed, 27 if you include his mother, THE OWNER OF THE GUNS!

I have ranted and raved and gone into too many directions. I'm done with this topic for awhile, maybe ill finish another day.

**Wanted to say thank you to Skylar for answering my many almost blonde questions about Texas and their guns, and for letting me use his status. THANK YOU SKYLAR!!***


Yes, that's right, I am all for the legalization of Marijuana, Recreational and Medical..The Marijuana, cannabis, or hemp plant is one of the oldest psychoactive plants known to humanity.  Its effects range from increasing creativity to provoking mystical experiences, to heightening the capacity to feel, sense and share. After alcohol, it is the most popular of what are called “recreational drugs.” 

According to LiveStrong, Marijuana's Medical benefits range from Pain relief and muscle relaxation to decreased nausea and increased appetite. Its used with patients who suffer from Glaucoma, Arthritis and even cancer blah blah etc etc.

Those out there with family or friends who have served in the military, take a look at this:
According to Dr. Mechoulam, the Israeli scientist who identified THC as the psychoactive compound in marijuana:
..evidence says by and large the use of therapeutic cannabis provides a significant improvement in quality of life both for those suffering from this malady and for their family and friends. Whether or not this is taking the fullest advantage possible of the eCB system in the treatment of PTSD is yet to be seen. Mostly the use of cannabis and THC to treat PTSD in humans appears to provide symptomological relief at best. In and of itself, there is nothing wrong with symptomological relief. That's what taking aspirin for a headache, a diuretic for high blood pressure, opiates to control severe pain, or olanzapine for rapid-cycling mania is all about. We do have the potential, however, to do better than just treating symptoms of PTSD via activation of the cannabinoid receptors. With the right combination of extinction/habituation therapy and the judicious administration of a FAAH inhibitor like KDS-4103 we have the potential to actually cure many cases of PTSD. For the time being though, symptomological treatments are all we have for more generalized anxiety and depression disorders..

Monday, December 17, 2012

Kids & Parents

Now everyone i know has an opinion on the drastic drop in disciplinary actions taken by parents now a days. Some say its better the way it is now because its better for the child and their self esteem, their confidence etc etc. All just psychological bullshit that makes no fucking sense. Lets look at this topic for a minute. My generation didnt get the ass whoopins our parents got, or our grandparents got. Today they label it as "Abuse". I will admit, i didnt get a whole lot of ass whoopins throughout my childhood. Don't get me wrong, i can remember getting the belt taken to my behind, hearing stories from my grandmother who told me straight up that she gave me ass whoopins when i was little, but kids now, holy cow, are they headed downhill!

Next time you go to Wal-Mart or the grocery store, watch how the children in the store behave for their parents. without a doubt you will come across at least one of the "mommy please can i have this?" situations. Now a days the parental response is simple, just a verbal "no". More often than not the child will then proceed with a tantrum consisting of screaming, crying, or a mixture of both. Today parents will do what they can without getting physical with their child. Back then that screaming crying child would  have gotten spanked with the speech " what did i tell u in the car? i told you not to ask for anything or to touch anything" or "Just wait till we get home". I can recall on more than one occasion getting "just wait till we get home", and on occasion you would have come across that parent that would jokingly say they were gonna leave them there to cry.

Back in the day kids were disciplined with:
Fly Swatters
Hot Wheels Race Car Tracks( you know the orange flexible ones)
Wooden Spoons
Spatulas (Metal and Plastic)
Back Scratcher
Nintendo Controller Wire
Christmas Tree Lights
Phone Books

Did the generations before mine really get abused? or were they, as Eddie Griffin said "My mama beat my ass out the penitentiary"??

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Shooters Family

I feel bad for the shooters family.

now before you come chasing me down with torches and pitch forks or sending me hate mail i want you to think for a second.

What if it had been your brother who killed 20 children?

what if it was your son? or cousin?

How would you feel?

Because of this mans evil acts, his family is now a target. A target for hate mail, and treats.

His brother was already accused of being the shooter because of the ID they found

. His father refused to talk anymore once asked about his sons mental state

. His mother, well, he killed his own mother. Just think of his grandparents. when they are asked "oh how did your daughter die?" they have to explain that their mentally unstable grandson murdered her.

 their own flesh and blood killed by their flesh and blood.

You can think what you like about it, but i feel bad for them. That whole family and their next generation will have to live with the fact that their flesh and blood, their son/brother/grandson/uncle etc was the cause of the 2nd worst massacre in history.


Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting

On 12/14/12 there was a massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton,Connecticut.
 The death toll? 26 Dead
Out of those 26 deaths are 20 children as young as 5 years old and as old as 10.
The shooter? 20 year old  Adam Lanza
He killed 20 children and 6 adults including the Principal and himself. He was said to have a personality disorder and was possibly Autistic.
In his vehicle they found 2 Pistols and a rifle, and that's not including the weapons he had inside the school with him.

To me this is an unbelievably tragic event.  According to CNN:

 "Police say Lanza killed his mother, Nancy, at her Newtown home before going to the school, where he primarily targeted two classrooms."

"With the death toll at 26, the massacre in Newtown is the second-deadliest school shooting in U.S. history, behind the 2007 Virginia Tech mass shooting that left 32 dead"

"Three weapons were recovered from the school on Friday: a semi-automatic .223 caliber rifle made by Bushmaster was found in a car in the school parking lot, and two pistols made by Glock and Sig Sauer were found with suspected gunman Lanza's body, a law enforcement source said previously."

"The weapons were legally purchased by Lanza's mother, said the official, who was not authorized to release details of the case to the media."

CNN also reported that its believed that Lanza killed his mother in her home before he went to the school.

In my mind I cant believe there are people out there who would target children. What kind of person are you to point your gun at an innocent child and pull the trigger? But he didnt kill just one child, he killed 20!! This event is sending the discussion of gun laws through the roof. "we need stricter gun laws". So that what? the people who are mentally unstable put a little more effort into getting one? making it harder to trace the guns they illegally possess?

 Others are going ape shit on mental health care. "maybe if he had the access to proper treatment" or "if it was as easy for mental health care patients to receive care as it is to get a gun.."..Fox News questioned whether or not his parents knew how much of a danger he was, when they asked people who knew him they described him as a "nerd" or "goth" and that "he didn't interact with others". So we have here a mentally unstable man who didnt socialize well with others and prefered to keep to himself, he gets ahold of his mothers guns, kills her and then goes and kills 20 children and 6 adults leaving one survivor(One survivor according to CNN).

Guns dont magically aim at people by themselves. Guns don't  miraculously decide to shoot women and children. The psychotic Mentally unstable people who get a hold of them do. Maybe instead of pointing the finger at the mental disease or the guns themselves that we point fingers at the man who pulled the trigger.

If the shooter has lived and gone to court whats to say he wouldnt have been executed anyway? The wouldnt determine it based on his actions, or te types of weapons he used. it would be determined based on his mental state, or whether or not he was mentally competent.

According to the Death Penalty Information Center:

Insanity or mental incompetency is a severe form of mental illness and is addressed separately by the legal system. Inmates who are insane, that is, so out of touch with reality that they do not know right from wrong and cannot understand their punishment or the purpose of it, are exempt from execution. The Supreme Court held in Ford v. Wainwright (477 U.S. 399 (1986)) that executing the insane is unconstitutional. However, if an inmate's mental competency has been restored, he or she can then be executed.  Inmates who are intellectually disabled (mentally retarded) also cannot be executed.  Inmates who are mentally ill, but not insane, have no such exemption

My heart goes out to all of the families, friends and anyone who was close to the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. I am not a parent but this absolutely tragic event is unbelievable. I couldn't imagine getting the news that my little brother was killed in a shooting while at school. I cant imagine what it would be like to lose a child, especially after all of the different ways my parents made sure i realized that they loved me more than i could even know or understand.

There has been a Facebook made if you want more information, or if you would like to levae your heart felt note to the victims and survivorrs of this tragedy:

Posted today by the site above :

Friday, December 14, 2012

Was In A Bad Place Yesterday

I can feel myself slowly creeping into the dark hole full of anti social tendencies and demons attempting to convince my inner workings to give up and proceed without caution. Walking down the stairs backwards anticipating. The welcoming arms of the inescapable pain in which i am already a regular customer. screaming from the inside out wondering why there is always a storm cloud to hover over or around my sunny day. It seems to be the trickling affect of the crippling poison that is my relationship with everyone. there isn't one portion of this misrepresented life that i would want to share or wish upon anyone. i can feel the darkness becoming more and more unstable as each day passes, as each individually placed cluster fuck of a conversation is had. i don't want too lose the control i have over it, i have no idea how i will handle the reaction from those around me who don't know or don't understand. its not that they don't understand its they don't want to. they want to live in their cotton candy, plush surreal reality that they have created in their own unstable minds.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

7 Double Doubles W/Cheese

7 Double Doubles W/Cheese

Height: 5'3"
Weight: 134 lbs

I type that and it looks odd to me. I remember weighing 120 lbs and that was on a bloated day. Today im comfortable in the 130-140 lbs range. Until I realized my boyfriends ex's are all skinny as fuck. I mean crack head skinny. skinny enough that when i saw pictures of them all i could think was that they needed to eat about 7 Double Doubles with cheese and extra french fries 2 times a day!

Now I'm not saying that I feel less adequate because his ex's are all skinny. I just have many questions that seem to roll through my head. 

1. How did he not split those girls down the middle while doing "the Horizontal Tango"?
2. Did he ever lose one of them because they turned sideways?
3. How the Hell did he go from these girls who looks like they are maybe 100 lbs soaking wet with a brick tied around their ankle, to me, a girl who isn't afraid to eat and is considered a "thick girl"?
4. Does he prefer girls that skinny?

All probably just over reactions but they do go through my head. When I see girls who are friends with him, but also friends with the ex i get weird about it. Its as if all crack head skinny girls all hang out together. what the hell would they talk about?? I can just picture it now:

Girl 1-Hey! Check out my rib. I can count 2 of them now!
Girl 2 - Oh thats nothing check this out!
Girl 3 - OMG! I can see 4 of yours!! Lucky!!
Girl 1 - What about you?
Girl 3 - Check it out!
Girl 2 - OMG i can see every bone in ur body!
Girl 3 - I know :D
Girl 1 & 2: Im so Jealous I wish i was that thin.

Not only are they Skinny as a stripper pole,from what i have seen and heard, they are all lying cheating bitches, who are into the "Swag" and "Yolo"... just UUGGHHHH the frustration i put myself through.

Dirty/Tristed Night Before Christmas

Dirty/Tristed Night Before Christmas

T'was the night before christmas
And all through the house
Everyone felt shitty
Even the mouse

Mom at the whorehouse
And dad smoking grass
I'd just settled down
For a nice piece of ass

When out on the lawn
I heard such a clatter
I sprung from my piece
To see what's the matter

Then out on the lawn
I saw a big dick
I knew in a moment
It must be Saint Nick

He came down the chimney
Like a bat out of hell
I knew in a moment
The old fucker fell

He filled all our stockings
With pretzels and beer
And a big rubber dick
For my brother the queer

He rose up the chimney
With a thuderous fart
The son of a bitch
Blew the chimney apart

He swore and he cursed
As he rode out of sight
Piss on you all
And have a good night!

 Originally From Here

Twas The Night Before Christmas (For Teacher)

Twas The Night Before Christmas (For Teacher)

'Twas the week before Christmas and all through the school
Not a pupil was silent, no matter what rule.
The children were busy with paper and paste;
The mess that they made with it couldn't be faced.

The teacher half frantic and almost in tears,
Had just settled down to work with her dears,
When out in the hall there arose such a clatter
up sprang the kids to see what was the matter!

Away to the door they all flew like a flash;
The one who was leading went down with a crash.
Then what to their wondering eyes did appear
But a green Christmas tree! (To decorate I fear!)

When the teacher saw this, she almost grew sick.
She knew in a moment it must be Old Nick!
She ran to the door (all her efforts were vain)
But she shouted, and stamped, and she called them by name;

"Now Tommy! Now Sandy, Now Judy and Harry!
Stop Billy! Stop Robert! Stop Donny and Sherry!
Now get to your places get away from the hall
Now get away! Get away! Get away all!

As leaves that before the wild hurricane fly
The pupils, pell mell, started scurrying by.
They ran to the blackboard and skipped down the aisle;
Their faces were shining and each had a smile.

First came a basket of popcorn to string
Then came the Christmas tree (menacing thing).
As the tree was brought in there arose a great shout;
The pupils were merrily romping about.

The state they were in could lead to a riot;
The teacher was sure, if allowed, they would try it.
Her nerves how they jangled! Her temples were throbbing!
The rush of her breath sounded almost like sobbing!

The lines of her face were as fixed as a mask;
It was plain that she didn't feel up to her task.
The look in her eye would have tamed a wild steer,
But the children ignored it; they did every year.

A tear from her eye and a shake of her head
Soon led me to think that she wished she were dead.
She spoke not a word but went straight to her work,
Strung all the popcorn which broke with a jerk.

But at last it was finished and placed on the tree;
Then came the bell and the children were free.
Their shrill little voices soon faded away
And peace was restored at the end of the day.

As she looked at the Christmas tree glistening and tall,
She smiled as she whispered,

"Merry Christmas to All"

Originally From Here

Prison Night Before Christmas(not mine)

Prison Night Before Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas
And all through the cells
The convicts were locked up
All madder than hell

Except for the lifers
Kicked back in their bunks
Heads filled with visions
Of fat little punks

When suddenly from the roof top
There arose such a roar
That the bulls thought it was
A riot for sure

The goon squad ran in
And stood ready to hit
A big guard yelled out
Who started this shit

It came from the roof top
Sniveled a snitch
It must be a breakout
Oh, son of a bitch

They climbed to the roof
By way of the stairs
Found a fat little freak
In red underwear

No, No yelled the dude
I bring you good cheer
Damn said the Captain
We found us a queer

Alright mother fucker
Get your hands on the wall
They shook him down good
Asshole and all

They beat him and threw him
Into the hole with a kick
Well so much for Christmas
They locked up St. Nick

Originally From Here

Drunk Night Before Christmas(not mine)

Drunk Night Before Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house,
There were bottles and butts left around by some louse.
And the best fifth I'd hidden by the chimney with care
Had been snatched by some bum who had found it right there.

My pals: guys and gals had been poured into their beds
To wake in the morning with hungover heads.
My mouth, full of cotton, dropped down with a snap
Because I was dying for one wee nightcap.

When through the south window there came such a yell,
I sprang to my feet to see what the hell...
And what to my bloodshot eyes should I see
But eight drunken reindeer caught in a tree.

Way in 'mongst the branches was a man in a sleigh.
I saw it was Santa, quite oiled and tres gay.
Staggering nearer those eight reindeer came
As he burped and hiccupped and called them by name:

"On Whiskey, on Vodka, we ain't got all night!
You too, Gin and Brandy, now all do it right.
Clammer up to the roof; get the hell off this wall!
Get going you rummies, we've still a long haul!"

So up on the roof went the reindeer and sleigh,
But a tree branch hit Santa before he could sway
And then to my ears, like the roll of a barrel,
Came a hell of a noise that was no Christmas carol.

So I pulled in my head and cocked a sharp ear.
Down the chimney he plunged, landing smack on his rear.
He was dressed all in red, with white fur for a trim.
And the way Santa swayed, he was tanked to the brim.

The sack on his back held nothing but booze,
And the breath that he blew nearly put me to snooze.
He was both plump and chubby and tried to stand right.
But he didn't fool me; he was high as a kite.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work
And missed half the stockings, the plastered old jerk.
And laying his thumb on the end of his nose,
He fluttered his fingers as he quoted prose.

He sprang for his sleigh at so hasty a pace
He tripped on a shingle and slid on his face.
But I heard him burp back as he passed out of sight:
"Merry Christmas, you lushes, now really get tight."

Originally from Here

Redneck Night Before Christmas(not mine)

Redneck Night Before Christmas

’Twas the Night before Christmas, and all through the shack
Not a creature was stirrin’, cept the lice on muh back.
The skoal cans wuz nailed to the screen door with care,
With hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.

The children were sleepin’, all snug in their beds,
While visions of tractor pulls danced in their heads.
And Ma in her nightgown all stained with pound cake..
Had just settled down to watch Ricki Lake.

When out in the driveway, a loud noise I heard,
I opened the winder to check muh T-bird.
I ran to the door, like I’s on a mission,
But I tripped on some parts from muh granny’s transmission.

The moon shone outside, the hound dog wuz barkin’.
Muh daughter weren't home yet, she wuz still out parkin’.
When what to muh whiskey blind eyes should I see
But a Chevy S-10, pulled by eight flyin’ sheep.

With a fat nasty driver, so disgustin’ and sick
I said “Shoot Fire!” That must be St. Nick!
More rapid than X-lax his wooly sheep came
And he belched and he hollered, and he called ’em by name.

From the top of the shack to them there garbage bins
Now Dash Away! Dash Away! Dash Away youins!

I heard a loud sound on the roof of muh shack.
Pud down muh beer and went fer muh gun rack.
He fell through the roof, plum killed my dog,
I swear that ole’Santa looked just like Boss Hog.

He wore a T-shirt, rebel flag on the front,
And his jeans were all bloody from that morning’s hunt.
A big nekkid lady tattooed on his arm,
And he wore black boots that he’d picked up in ’Nam.

His eyes, how they glazed from too much Wild Turkey.
From the side of his mouth hung a stick of beef jerky.
A scar on his cheek from a fight with the cops.
The veins on his face looked ready to pop.

The butt of a Marlboro clung to his lip
He wore a hip pack full of B-B-Q chips.
He had a fat face and a hairy beer belly.
I ain’t seen one that big since muh ex-wife Shelly.

He was gap-toothed and dumb with an I.Q. of three
And I laughed cause that redneck was smarter than me.
A wink of his eye, a fierce shake of his head,
From his hair came a rat that ran under the bed.

He reached in his sack, sipped his gin and tonic,
Then filled the kid’s stockings with Hooked on Phonics.
His toys came from Big Lots and they weren’t very nice
But he had lots of them and yuh can’t beat the price.

He gave us a tape of them hound dogs that sing
Jingle Bells ringing on ma dingaling.
Some Crisco, some Spam, some Oatmeal Cream pies,
And a Nascar T-shirt in Double X size.

When the presents were gone and he had no more,
He staggered and stumbled right through muh screen door.
He hopped in his truck, to his sheep gave an order
“Hurry up youins! To the Tennessee border!”

And I heard him cry out, with a strong southern drawl,

Originally From Here

Texas Night Before Christmas (not Mine)

Texas Night Before Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas, in Texas, you know.
Way out on the prairie, without any snow.
Asleep in their cabin, were Buddy and Sue,
A dreamin’ of Christmas, like me and you.

Not stockings, but boots, at the foot of their bed,
For this was Texas, what more need be said,
When all of a sudden, from out of the still night,
There came such a ruckus, it gave me a fright.

And I saw ’cross the prairie, like a shot from a gun,
A loaded up buckboard, come on at a run,
The driver was “Geein” and “Hawin”, with a will,
The horses (not reindeer) he drove with such skill.

“Come on there Buck, Poncho, & Prince, to the right,
There’ll be plenty of travelin’ for you all tonight.”
The driver in Levi’s and a shirt that was red,
Had a ten-gallon Stetson on top of his head.

As he stepped from the buckboard, he was really a sight,
With his beard and mustache, so curly and white.
As he burst in the cabin, the Children awoke,
And were so astonished, that neither one spoke.

And he filled up their boots with such presents galore,
That neither could think of a single thing more.
When Buddy recovered the use of his jaws,
He asked in a whisper, “Are you really Santa Claus?”

“Am I the real Santa? Well, what do you think?”
And he smiled as he gave a mysterious wink.
Then he leaped in his buckboard, and called back in his drawl,
“To all the children in Texas, Merry Christmas, Y’all”

Originally from Here

Night Before Christmas...Ghetto Style(Not Mine)

Night Before Christmas...Ghetto Style

'Twas da night befo' Christmas and all in the hood
Not a homie was stirring cuz it was all good
The tube socks was hung on the window sill
And we all had smiles up on our grill
Mookie and Bebe was snug in the crib
Bumpin' phat beats cuz the system's fly
I bounced to the window at a quarter pas'
Bout ready to pop a cap in somebody's-
Well anyway
I yelled to my lady, "Yo peep this!"
She said, "Stop frontin', just mind yo' bidness!"
I said, "For real doe, come check dis out!"
We weren't even buggin, no worries, no doubt
Cuz bumpin and thumpin' from around da way
Was Santa, 8 reindeer and a sleigh
Da beats was kickin', da ride was phat
I said, "Yo red Dawg, you all that!"
He threw up a sign and yelled to his boyz
"Ay yo, give it up, let's make some noise!
To the top of the projects and across the strip mall
We gots ta go, I got a booty call!"
He pulled up his ride on the top of da roof
And sippin' on a 40, he busted a move
I yelled up to Santa, "Yo, ain't got no stack!"
He said, "Damn homie, dese projects is wack!
But don't worry black, cuz I gots da skillz
I learnt back when I hadda pay da billz."
Out from his bag he pulled 3 tings
A credit card, a knife, and a bobby pin
He slid down the fire escape smoove as a cat
And busted the window with a b-ball bat
I said, "Whassup, Santa? Why'd ya bust my place?"
He said, "You best get on up out my face!"
His threads was all leatha, his chains was all gold
His sneaks was Puma and they was five years old
He dropped down the duffle, Clippers logo on the side
Santa broke out da loot & my mouf popped open wide.
A wink of his eye and a shine off his gold toof
He cabbage patched his way back onto the roof
He jumped in his hooptie with rims made of chrome
To tap that booty waitin at home

Originally from Here